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Hôtels des Champs-Elysées – Choix, à un prix abordable, pour votre séjour à Paris

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Les Hotels des Champs-Elysées sont nombreux. Mais ils sont chers et ne valent pas toujours le prix demandé. Nous avons réalisé une étude qui vous permettra de choisir l’hôtel qui vous convient le mieux dans ce quartier luxueux et touristique que sont les Champs-Elysées. Nous en avons finalement sélectionné 51, listés ci-dessous et situés sur notre carte des Champs-Elysées.

Comment avons-nous fait notre présélection des hôtels des Champs-Elysées?

Nous avons passé en revue la quasi-totalité des hôtels situés sur les Champs-Elysées et dans un rayon de 200 à 300 mètres de part et d’autre de l’avenue. Nous avons retenu environ 60% des hôtels en éliminant tous ceux dont l’évaluation par les touristes qui vous ont précédé dans ces établissements, était inférieure à 4.0 sur une échelle de 0 à 5. Au final, notre liste comprend 51 hôtels à ce jour, qui pourra être modifiée en fonction de l’évolution de la qualité des hôtels de la région.

Comment avons-nous défini les hôtels sélectionnés pour vous aider à choisir ?

Les 3 éléments de référence pour caractériser les hôtels sont

  • le nombre d’étoiles. En France, tous les hôtels destinés aux touristes sont classés par le nombre d’étoiles, de 1 (rare, bas de gamme) à 5 (le plus luxueux). Il s’agit d’une classification officielle et administrative et les hôtels sont contrôlés régulièrement pour vérifier s’ils répondent toujours aux normes (hygiène, sécurité, dimensions des chambres, autres équipements) qu’ils affichent.
  • la note globale et générale entre 0 et 5 donnée par les clients qui ont visité l’hôtel, c’est-à-dire leur satisfaction lors de leur séjour. A noter que nous avons également éliminé de la liste les hôtels dont la note « globale » est inférieure à 4,0 (à quelques rares exceptions près pour montrer que de telles adresses sont à éviter).
  • Le prix. Il s’agit bien sûr d’un critère à prendre en compte, notamment pour les hôtels des Champs-Elysées qui pratiquent des prix élevés.

3 autres notes qui devraient vous intéresser

Enfin, il nous a semblé utile d’ajouter 3 notes « techniques » afin de mieux comprendre l’hôtel que vous allez sélectionner :

  • Note technique sur la chambre : taille, propreté et modernité des chambres, entretien, literie, calme, chambres avec vue. Il est clair que ce critère est très important.
  • Note technique sur la localisation et l’environnement immédiat de l’hôtel : commerces à proximité, sites touristiques, restaurants et bars à proximité. Proximité ou non des transports en commun. Bien entendu, deux hôtels proches auront les mêmes avantages.
  • Note technique sur les Services et équipements : gentillesse et professionnalisme du personnel, personnel de chambre. La présence d’un sauna et d’une salle de fitness, d’une piscine, etc. Ceci est propre à l’hôtel lui-même mais aussi à la direction de l’établissement.

Ces 3 notes supplémentaires comprises entre 0 et 5,0 se trouvent dans la colonne « Commentaires ».

Quelle valeur attribuer à ces critères et aux autres que nous avons utilisés ?

  • Il n’y a pas grand-chose à dire sur le nombre d’étoiles : un hôtel 5* est un hôtel de luxe, avec des services et un entretien, des chambres spacieuses, etc. En revanche, un hôtel 1* ou 2* aura de petites chambres avec l’essentiel, comme une douche, un lavabo, des toilettes, peu de services supplémentaires. Cela signifie que deux hôtels également étoilés seront très similaires, à l’exception de l’obsolescence. L’hôtel le plus ancien, qui n’a pas été régulièrement entretenu, peut faire une différence notable avec un autre hôtel de la même gamme mais récent.
  • Nous avons pensé que « l’expérience » des touristes qui vous ont précédé était susceptible de vous intéresser. Nous avons donc défini 3 notes d’évaluation « techniques » qui concernent la chambre (taille, équipements, etc.), le quartier (commerces, transports, etc.) et les contacts avec les personnes de l’hôtel.
  • Le prix est également un critère de sélection. D’une part, vous saurez à quel niveau de prix vous attendre, mais vous aurez aussi une idée du luxe auquel vous pouvez prétendre. Un hôtel qui pratique des prix trop élevés sera rapidement exclu du marché dans l’environnement concurrentiel de la capitale.

Nous n’avons retenu que les évaluations récentes (moins d’un an) et les évaluations multiples (plusieurs dizaines) pour un même établissement. De plus, ces notes doivent être nuancées : par exemple, un hôtel 2* noté 4,5 ne sera jamais équivalent à un hôtel 5* également noté 4,5. Il faut comparer ces « notes d’expérience » pour un même nombre d’étoiles.

Où trouver l’évaluation des hôtels

Vous trouverez la note générale, le nombre d’étoiles et le prix sous la forme Note / nbr* / Prix dans l’étiquette de chaque hôtel ou dans la 4ème colonne du tableau comparatif. Les 3 notes « techniques » supplémentaires se trouvent en haut des commentaires des touristes qui vous ont précédé.

Appel à votre propre évaluation : nous avons besoin de votre aide pour continuer à informer les futurs visiteurs qui vous suivront à Paris. Cela ne vous prendra que quelques minutes. Nous avons une fiche d’information sur l’hôtel où vous avez séjourné. Cliquez ici pour la consulter.

Carte des hôtels des Champs-Elysées recommandés par VPBY


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Fonctionnement de la carte et utilisation de la liste des hôtels

  • Cliquez sur « A propos » (sous la carte) : vous obtenez la liste des 4 gammes d’hôtels. En cliquant sur l’œil à droite du carré coloré, vous supprimez de la carte tous les hôtels correspondant à cette couleur (ou nombre d’étoiles). Vous pouvez ainsi ne garder sur la carte que les hôtels ayant le nombre d’étoiles qui vous intéresse.
  • Si vous cliquez sur « Voir les données » sous la carte ou en haut à droite de la fenêtre précédente, vous obtiendrez sur le côté droit de la carte la liste des hôtels recommandés, classés par étoiles. Le bouton « Fermer » se trouve en haut à droite de la fenêtre.
  • En cliquant sur + ou – en haut à gauche de la carte (ou en utilisant la molette de votre souris), vous pouvez agrandir ou réduire la carte.
  • En cliquant sur la carte et en déplaçant le curseur, vous déplacez la carte.
  • En survolant chaque marqueur, vous obtenez le nom et le numéro de l’hôtel.
  • En cliquant sur chaque marqueur, vous obtenez une fenêtre (un tableau) avec toutes les informations sur l’hôtel, notamment son adresse, son numéro de téléphone et en bas du tableau sa note générale / son nombre d’étoiles / son prix moyen à la « mi-saison 2023 ».
  • En conservant la liste des hôtels à droite et en cliquant sur son nom dans la liste, vous verrez apparaître la fenêtre correspondante sur la carte, sa localisation sur la carte et les informations précédentes.

Liste d’hôtels recommandés dans le quartier des Champs-Elysées avec commentaires et notes de qualité

NameType of shopRating/ nbr*/ Price
1Royal Monceau - Raffles
Paris 37 Av. Hoche
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/1500 €
Rooms - 4.1 - Clients liked the size and cleanliness of the rooms, but some indicated that maintenance could be improved. - Guests liked the bathrooms. - Guests appreciated the quietness of the rooms.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.3 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests greatly appreciated the front desk and floor staff. - Guests appreciated the pool.
2Maison Albar Hotels Le Champs-Elysées
3 Av. Mac-Mahon
75017 Paris
Hotel4,2/5*/320 €
Rooms - 3.6 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.5 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk staff.
3La Réserve Paris - Hôtel et Spa
42 Av. Gabriel
75008 Paris
Hotel4,7/5*/1700 €
Rooms - 4,7 - Guests appreciated the bathrooms. - Guests liked the quietness of the rooms. - Guests liked the size of the rooms.
Neighborhood - 4.6
Services and Facilities - 5.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk. - Guests appreciated the swimming pool.
4Hotel Sofitel Paris le Faubourg
15 Rue Boissy d'Anglas
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/650 €
Rooms - 3.7 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and too old, and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Easy access by car
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and front desk staff.
5Les Jardins du Faubourg Hotel & Spa
9 Rue d'Aguesseau
75008 Paris
Hotel4,3/5*/450 €
Rooms - 3.5 - Guests liked the comfort of the bedding. - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and that the cleanliness could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9
Services and Facilities - 4.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and front desk staff. - Guests appreciated the pool.
6La Réserve Paris - Hôtel et Spa
42 Av. Gabriel
75008 Paris
Rooms - 4,7 - Guests appreciated the bathrooms. - Guests liked the quietness of the rooms. - Guests liked the size of the rooms.
Neighborhood - 4.6
Services and Facilities - 5.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk. - Guests appreciated the pool.
7Hôtel San Régis
12 Rue Jean Goujon
75008 Paris
Hotel4,7/5*/700 €
Rooms - 3.9 - Rooms with a view - Guests liked the size of the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk staff.
8Villa Marquis member of Meliá Collection
35 Rue Jean Goujon
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/450 €
Rooms - 4,3 - Guests appreciated the comfort of the bedding. - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms. - Guests liked the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Sights nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
9Hôtel Plaza Athénée
25 Av. Montaigne
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/5*/2000 €
Rooms - 3.3 - Rooms with a view - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.3 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk staff.
10Four Seasons Hôtel George V
31 Av. George V
75008 Paris
Rooms - 4.1 - Guests liked the size of the rooms, but some indicated that they were too dated. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Nearby tourist sites
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and staff at the front desk. - Guests appreciated the pool.
11Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection
33 Av. George V
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/5*/1100 €
Rooms - 3.9 - Guests liked the comfort of the bedding.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk. - Guests appreciated the professionalism of the staff.
12Hôtel de Sers - Champs Elysées
41 Av. Pierre 1er de Serbie
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/600 €
Rooms - 3.6 - Guests liked the size of the rooms, but some indicated that cleanliness and maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Location - 5.0
Services and Facilities - 3.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff.
13La Demeure Montaigne
18 Rue Clément Marot
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/575 €
Rooms - 4.1 - Guests liked the size of the rooms, but some said the cleanliness could be improved. - Guests liked the comfort of the bedding.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Nearby attractions
Services and Facilities - 4.9 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests appreciated the pool.
14Bvlgari Hôtel Paris
30 Av. George V
75008 Paris
Rooms - 4.5 - Guests liked the size of the rooms, but some said the cleanliness could be improved. - Guests liked the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.8
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk staff.
15Hôtel Raphael Paris
17 Av. Kléber
75116 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/450 €
Rooms - 3.7 - Guests liked the size of the rooms, but some said they were too old, and that cleanliness and maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view - Guests liked the large bathrooms, although some said they could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.1 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Some guests indicated that improvements could be made in the management area
16The Peninsula Paris
19 Av. Kléber
75116 Paris
Hotel4,6/5*/1800 €
Rooms - 4,4 - Rooms with a view - Guests liked the size of the rooms. - Guests liked the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.7
Services and Facilities - 4.5 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and front desk staff. - Guests appreciated the pool.
17Hôtel Balzac
6 Rue Balzac
75008 Paris
Rooms - 2.2 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms were small.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby
Services and Facilities - 2.2 - Guests appreciated the friendliness of the staff. - Some guests indicated that the front desk could be improved.
18Hôtel Napoléon
40 Av. de Friedland
75008 Paris
Hotel4,5/5*/400 €
Rooms - 3.5 - Rooms with a view - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.5 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. Guests were very appreciative of the front desk, but some guests indicated that improvements could be made in the floor staff.
19Hôtel de Crillon
10 Pl. de la Concorde
75008 Paris
Hotel4,7/5*/2000 €
Rooms - 4.1 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said they were small and maintenance could be improved. - Some guests commented that the bathrooms were small.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and staff at the front desk. - Guests appreciated the pool.
20Hôtel Paris Marriott Champs-Élysées
70 Av. des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/5*/620 €
Rooms - 2.9 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were too old, and that cleanliness and maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping nearby
Services and Facilities - 3.6 - Some guests indicated that management and floor staff could be improved.
21Hôtel Marignan Champs-Élysées
12 Rue de Marignan
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/5*/600 €
Rooms - 3,9 - Rooms with a view - Guests appreciated the comfort of the bedding. - Guests liked the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
22Paris Square - Luxury B&B
11 Rue Arsène Houssaye
75008 Paris
Hotel4,8/ /250 €
Rooms - 3.9 - Guests appreciated the size and cleanliness of the rooms. - Guests liked the quietness of the rooms.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the management and front desk staff.
23Aparthotel Adagio Paris Haussmann Champs-Elysées
129- 131 Bd Haussmann
75008 Paris
ApartHotel4,0/ ?*/350 €
Rooms - 4.0 - Guests liked the size and cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were too old and maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view and kitchenette
Neighborhood - 4.6 - Close to public transportation - Close to downtown, shopping, restaurants and bars nearby
Services and Facilities - 4.4 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests appreciated both the management and the front desk staff. However, some guests indicated that improvements could be made in the room staff.
24Hôtel Splendid Etoile
1 Av. Carnot
75017 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/320 €
Rooms - 4.2 - Rooms with a view - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms, but some found them too old. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation - Easy to get to by car
Services and Facilities - 4.3 - Guests appreciated the friendliness of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk and floor staff.
25Hôtel Le A
4 Rue d'Artois
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/4*/320 €
Rooms - 3.9 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were small and maintenance could be improved. - Guests liked the comfort of the bedding. - Guests liked the size of the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Sights nearby - Close to public transportation - Parking available
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
26Holiday Inn Paris – Elysées
24 Rue de Miromesnil
75008 Paris
Hotel4,1/4*/240 €
Rooms - 3.2 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some indicated that they were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms were small.
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
27Sonder Atala Champs-Élysées
10 Rue Chateaubriand
75008 Paris
Hotel4,2/4*/300 €
Rooms - 3.5 - Rooms with a view - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Sights nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.1 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests liked the front desk very much, but some indicated that improvements could be made in the floor staff.
28Hôtel Balmoral
6 Rue du Général Lanrezac
75017 Paris
Hotel4,5/4*/300 €
Rooms - 4.2 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said they were small and maintenance could be improved. - Guests liked the size of the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Sights, restaurants, and bars nearby - Close to public transportation - Parking available
Services and Facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
29Hôtel Elysées Régencia
41 Av. Marceau
75116 Paris
Hotel4,2/4*/250 €
Rooms - 3.5 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were too old and maintenance could be improved. - Some guests commented that the bathrooms were small.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Parking available - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
30Hôtel Elysée Secret
5 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
Hotel3,7/4*/285 €
Rooms - 2.6 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and too old, and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 3.8 - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk and room staff.
31Hôtel Bradford Elysées – Astotel
10 Rue Saint-Philippe du Roule
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/4*/260 €
Rooms - 4.5 - Guests liked the size and cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were too outdated. - Rooms with a view and minibar
Neighborhood - 4.9 Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the front desk and room staff.
32Hôtel Le Marianne Champs Elysées
11 Rue Paul Baudry
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/270 €
Rooms - 3.8 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some found them small. - Guests liked the quietness of the rooms and the comfort of the bedding.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 5.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
33Hôtel des Champs-Elysées
2 Rue d'Artois
75008 Paris
Hotel4,0/4*/250 €
Excellent hotel I recommend it very well placed Excellent welcome smiling room very clean great standing The staff to the small care with the customers Soon
34Hôtel Le 123 Elysées – Astotel
123 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/180 €
Rooms - 4.4 - Guests liked the size and cleanliness of the rooms. - Guests liked the bedding, but some said the rooms could be quieter. - Guests liked the size of the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Sights, restaurants, and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.9 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
35Hôtel Le Monna Lisa Champs Elysées
97 Rue La Boétie
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/235 €
Rooms - 3.1 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some indicated that they were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 5.0 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
36Hôtel Rochester Champs Elysées
92 Rue La Boétie
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/300 €
Rooms - 4.2 - Guests liked the size, cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation and train station
Services and Facilities - 4.4 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests appreciated the sauna. - Guests were very appreciative of the room staff.
37Hôtel 4 étoiles du Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées - Esprit de France
10 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
Hotel4,7/4*/300 €
Rooms - 4.0 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Close to downtown. Sights, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests appreciated the pool. - Guests were very appreciative of the reception and room staff.
38Hôtel du Ministère – Madeleine
31 Rue de Surène
75008 Paris
Hotel4,3/4*/300 €
Rooms - 3,6 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with minibar
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Nearby sights, restaurants, and bars - Close to public transportation - Easy access by car
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
39Le Pavillon des Lettres Hotel
12 Rue des Saussaies
75008 Paris
Hotel4,6/4*/560 €
Rooms - 3.5 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were small and maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
40Hôtel Beauchamps
24 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
Hotel4,0/4*/160 €
Rooms - 2.7 - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the bathrooms, although some found them small. - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and too old, and that maintenance could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Close to downtown. Sights, restaurants, and bars nearby - Close to public transportation - Parking available
Services and Facilities - 4.0 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the room staff.
41Hôtel Rochester Champs Elysées
92 Rue La Boétie,
75008 Paris
Hotel4,4/4*/280 €
Rooms - 4.2 - Guests liked the size, cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some said maintenance could be improved. - Rooms with a view
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation and train station
Services and Facilities - 4.4 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests appreciated the sauna. - Guests were very appreciative of the helpful staff.
42Galileo Hotel – Paris
54 Rue Galilée
75008 Paris
Hotel4,3/3*/210 €
Rooms - 3.7 - Guests liked the cleanliness and modernity of the rooms, but some found them small. - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.8 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
43Hôtel Princesse Caroline
1 bis Rue Troyon
75017 Paris
Hotel4,3/3*/180 €
Rooms - 3.3 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the cleanliness of the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants, and bars nearby - Close to public transportation - Easy access by car
Services and Facilities - 4.7 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
44Hôtel Magda Champs Elysées
7 Rue Troyon
75017 Paris
Hotel4,4/3*/200 €
Rooms - 3.7 - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms, but some found them small and too outdated. - Guests appreciated the comfort of the bedding. - Rooms with minibar and kitchenette
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Close to downtown. Sights, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation and train station - Easy to get to by car
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the reception and room staff.
45Hôtel du Bois
11 Rue du Dôme
75116 Paris
Hotel4,1/3*/150 €
Rooms - 2.9 - Some guests indicated that the rooms were small and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms were small and that cleanliness could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
46Hôtel Marceau Champs Elysees-PARIS
37 Av. Marceau
75016 Paris
Hotel4,0/3*/220 €
Rooms - 3.2 - Guests liked the cleanliness of the rooms, but some said they were small and too old, and that maintenance could be improved. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Shopping, sights, restaurants, and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.5 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
47Hôtel Alison
21 Rue de Surène
75008 Paris
Hotel4,2/3*/180 €
Rooms - 3.7 - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms, but some found them small and too outdated. - Guests liked the quietness of the rooms and the comfort of the bedding.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping, sightseeing, restaurants and bars nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.9 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
48Hôtel le Colisée
6 Rue du Colisée
75008 Paris
Hotel4,1/3*/200 €
Rooms - 2.5 - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms, but some found them small and too outdated. - Guests liked the clean bathrooms, although some said they could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.8 - Shopping and sightseeing nearby - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.5 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
49Adveniat Paris
10 Rue François 1er
75008 Paris
Hotel4,3/* ?/180 €
Chambres - 2,5 - Les clients ont apprécié les salles de bains propres, même si certains ont indiqué qu'elles pouvaient être améliorées. · Les clients ont apprécié la grandeur et la modernité des chambres, mais certains ont indiqué que l'entretien pouvait être amélioré.
Quartier - 4,8 - Shopping et sites touristiques à proximité · Près des transports en commun
Services et installations - 4,2 - Les clients ont apprécié la gentillesse et le professionnalisme du personnel.
50Hôtel Elysées
8 16 Rue Cambacérès
75008 Paris
Hotel4,3/3*/180 €
Rooms - 4,5 - Guests appreciated the quietness of the rooms and the comfort of the bedding. - Guests appreciated the cleanliness of the rooms. - Guests liked the bathrooms.
Neighborhood - 4.7 - Close to public transportation
Services and Facilities - 4.6 - Guests appreciated the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. - Guests were very appreciative of the staff at the front desk.
51Vestay Champs-Élysées – Suites
33 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
Hotel – Suites4,6/suites/300 €
Rooms - 3.9 - Guests liked the bedding, but some said the rooms could be quieter. - Guests liked the size of the rooms. - Some guests indicated that the bathrooms could be improved.
Neighborhood - 4.9 - Sights nearby
Services and Facilities - 3.9 - Guests appreciated the friendliness of the staff. - Some guests indicated that the front desk could be improved.

Remarques : A noter le nombre impressionnant d’hôtels 5* et 4* situés à proximité des Champs-Élysées, alors que les hôtels 3* sont peu nombreux, et les 2* quasi inexistants. Ceci est dû à la notoriété du lieu et à la clientèle internationale habituée au luxe et aux tarifs correspondants.  

ASTUCE : pour trouver des hôtels 2, 3 ou 4* moins chers, il suffit de s’éloigner de quelques centaines de mètres de l’avenue des Champs-Élysées. Les moyens de transport sont toujours présents pour vous déplacer… vous pourrez donc aussi flâner sur les Champs-Elysées tout aussi facilement !

Pour ceux qui souhaitent séjourner dans un autre quartier que les Champs-Elysées : la liste des hôtels recommandés par VPBY et visualisés sur des cartes « quartier ».

Paris est divisé en 20 arrondissements, chacun d’entre eux étant divisé en 4 quartiers administratifs, soit un total de 80 quartiers administratifs. Mais Paris est également divisé en 16 arrondissements « historiques », dont le quartier de Montmartre qui recouvre les 18e, 9e et 10e arrondissements. (Voir URL).

D’un point de vue touristique, les 16 arrondissements historiques sont les plus intéressants. C’est pourquoi nous mettons progressivement à la disposition de nos visiteurs toutes les informations relatives à chacun des quartiers historiques, notamment les promenades autoguidées et tout ce qui concerne l’hébergement. C’est un point très important pour tous ceux qui viennent visiter Paris. Notre objectif ne se limite pas à Montmartre : tout Paris est (ou sera) couvert arrondissement par arrondissement, afin de vous faire connaître les meilleurs hôtels de Paris à des prix abordables et les plus belles promenades d’arrondissement commentées en direct via votre mobile.

Pour l’instant, cette partie du site est en construction. Seules les URL sont disponibles …

La visite de Paris à pied : nos promenades guidées

Paris se visite à pied, car les distances sont faibles et la longueures de nos promenades encore plus faibles (1,5 à 2 km) et la densité des « choses à voir » est inimaginable (et ne peut être vue en passant à 50 km/h en voiture). Nous avons déjà mis en place quelques dizaines de belles promenades détaillées et complètes de la capitale de la France grâce à nos Promenades Autoguidées. (Voir URL)